Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A girl and her spoon. A story in pictures.

Got my spoon.
Now I just need something to stir . . .
There were some disagreements with the spoon . . .
Disagreements continued . . .
Here Daddy, I've got your back!
Waiting for her turn . . .
not so patiently.
I'm taking my spoon and going home!

Izzy Boo picture of the day!

Elizabeth from yesterday, not the best quality picture. But really, can this girl take a bad picture?!?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A few more BPA links

Just a few more links I have found regarding BPA, this isn't going to become the BPA blog, promise!

Canada banning BPA

Understanding plastics and the numbers

Questions and Answers

Also, Nalgene is working on new BPA free bottles and they do have some of their bottles that are BPA free. Click here to read about Nalgene's new bottles and bottles that are already BPA free.

OK, back to Life with Izzy Boo! :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Yet another Izzy Boo Video!

I can't help myself. She was jabbering up a storm this afternoon, of course I had to capture a bit of the conversation!

Ok, yeah, so I took 2 videos of her talking. I will stop eventually - when she's about 30!

Random Pictures! Very, very random

Remember I said these were random pictures. The dogs and I had a photo shoot last night.Things get boring around here when Elizabeth finally decides to sleep!

Me and Maggie (excuse me with the whole no makeup thing)

Me and Sophie, I make really goofy faces in pictures, sorry about that too!

Me squashing Sophie's head, Sophie's hoping Elizabeth wakes up soon.

Excited Elizabeth, too bad the flash kind of blew this one out.

Happy girl!

Another flash mishap, but her eyes look very cool.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Izzy Boo Video!!

Here is Elizabeth getting her leg workout for the day! She loves her bouncy seat/rocker and kicking Tizoo and her little butterfly. Sophie also makes a brief appearance!

Is anything safe anymore?!?

I don't know how many of you are keeping up with the news on plastics and their safety. This is something that Bryan and I have been discussing for a few months now. Trying to figure out if this is something to be alarmed about or if this is the newest scare tactic that will blow over sooner rather then later. I have started compiling links about BPA (Bisphenol-A) in plastics.

The scary thing about BPA is that it is in so many products. Baby bottles, sippy cups, Nalgene bottles, canned foods, formula cans, baby food cans and so much more. It becomes a problem when you heat fatty substances (i.e. breast milk, formula) and the BPA leaches out of the plastic into what you are heating up. There is also a problem once your bottles start to degrade and get scratches, the BPA can leach out much more freely. This is harmful to everyone, but especiallt fetuses, infants and young children.

Like I said at the top I am still formulating my thoughts on this whole deal. After having Elizabeth I have really started looking at what I am putting in and on my body and hers as well. The possible issues that BPA exposure can cause (early puberty, possible insulin resistance, disrupted brain development are a few) are pretty scary and warrants a further look. I must add, however, these have been only tested in mice and rat studies.

Babies 'R Us just announced that they are going to stop carrying any products with BPA in them. That is a pretty big move for such a large retailer. I know the bottles we bought for E have BPA (Dr. Browns). I have been contemplating taking them back to BRU, especially since we aren't using bottles currently and probably not anytime in the future.

If you made it through this rambly mess you get a gold star! I am sure I will be adding and updating this post through out the day.

So here are a ton of links about BPA for general knowledge. I am definitely not an expert and I probably have tons of mistakes in what I have just posted, but these are a few things in my research and from friends that I have learned and I wanted to pass it along!! Thanks Marianna and Bryan for help compiling links!

Bisphenol A

BPA Article from the American Chemical Society (ACS)

Facts on Plastic

BPA in infant care products

Bisphenol A: Toxic Plastics Chemical in Canned Food: Consumer tips to avoid BPA exposure

A Survey of Bisphenol A in U.S. Canned Foods

Your BPA questions, answered

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Izzy Boo picture of the day!

All ready to go, with her bow in her hair. We were going to Whole Foods - her favorite store. Izzy Boo is a very discriminating shopper.

Recent pictures!

Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks:

Elizabeth and Mommy playing peek-a-boo - I'm very entertaining

Maggie dog just being Maggie

Pretty, sweet dog

In posting these I have realized I need to take and post more pics of poor little Sophie. She will have her own post again with lots and lots of pictures soon!! You know, she is the middle "child". :)

Quote of the Day!

Sorry not many updates for today, Miss Priss is keeping me on my toes!!

Here is the quote:

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Amazon Earth Day Sale!

Amazon is having a "green" sale today and tomorrow in honor of Earth Day. You can click on the links to the right to check out the deals.

I know some of the brands that we have used and love are on sale. Seventh Generation cleaners (we have started using the dish soap) and compact florescent lights (CFL) which save energy and $ on your power bills. We are slowly changing out our lights as they burn out. CFLs are more expensive, but they last for years.

As usual everything is free shipping and no tax.

Izzy Boo Picture of the Day!

Enjoying the nice spring weather!

Sophie was feeling left out!

Sophie dog was feeling left on the Izzy Boo blog.

Happy Earth Day!!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, April 21, 2008

Parenting Advice from a Wal-Mart Cashier


I really like most of the cashiers at "our" Wal-Mart, except maybe the tranny who freaks me out a bit. But that is another story, for another day.

But really. Commenting on my parenting while I have a screaming, tired, hungry baby? While I am trying to frantically get my groceries in the cart, stick the pacifier back in her mouth - all the while trying to keep the screaming down a bit by trying to stay in her sight. And smooshing my bread in the process.

I am glad her baby never, ever, evvveeer had a pacifier and never melted down in a store. Please just keep ringing up my groceries, so we can get out of your lane!

Yes. I was that person yesterday. You know the one with the shrieking infant. Yep. Me.

Ok. Rant over. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Izzy Boo Picture of the Day!

My sweet, sleepy girl!

Quote of the Day!

Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder,
dear,Your head like the golden-rod,
And we will go sailing away from here
To the beautiful land of Nod.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Picture of the day, part deux

Yep, 2 pictures of the day today! One - because it is Friday and it seems like the thing to do on a Friday. Two - because Izzy Boo cracks me up!

I hope everyone has a lovely Friday!!

Izzy Boo picture of the day!

This is such a rare occasion that I like to catch it on film, err card (?), as often as possible!

Quote of the Day!

Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.

Margot Fonteyn

Thursday, April 17, 2008


We are so excited that Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this weekend to see their 4 crazy grandkids - and more importantly to witness soccer star Davis' last game where he will receive his trophy!

See how excited we are:

Izzy Boo Video!

Here is a video of Elizabeth playing this morning. The playmat is definitely her favorite toy lately. Little miss is getting the hang of using her hands, feet, and voice! She is getting very busy. The video is long and wobbly - that would be my fault!

I hope you enjoyed my sweet Izzy Boo!

Wish Bryan Luck!

I submitted this photo of Maggie by Bryan to a photo contest being held by Progressive Farmer Magazine - where Darcie works. No, we didn't recently become farmers. Maggie looks so outdoorsy - don't tell the judges that Mags isn't so rugged.

Funny story

We were hanging out with the cousins one lovely Friday. My sister, Darcie, and I ran to Publix to grab a few things for dinner. All babies were content - Elizabeth newly fed, Madeline napping, Davis resting and Lily was hitting golf balls with her Daddy. Darcie and I come home to this:

While we were gone Madeline woke up hungry and crying, so Elizabeth joined in with the crying. Somehow Bryan managed to pick up both wiggly, crying babies!

The girls first time ganging up on Bryan!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Izzy Boo picture of the day!

This is from this morning while we were playing on our playmat. She was busy talking to her toys and kicking away and looked up just long enough for me to get a picture of her face. Then it was back to much more important matters.

Our baby bluebirds have hatched!

Our first clutch of baby bluebirds have hatched for this year! We aren't sure how many there are yet, but you can hear them more and more each day! The picture was taken by Bryan last year, it is the male.

Quote of the Day

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.

John Adams

In honor of my slight John Adams obessesion lately while watching the John Adams miniseries on HBO. Pretty insightful for someone who lived over 200 years ago.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our Family Soccer Star!

Cousin Davis is tearing up 4 year old Mountain Brook soccer!

Getting warmed up

Elizabeth is taking it all in
Davis' personal coach - Lily - looking stylish as usual!

A good soccer player is also organized
Big sister not so impressed
Go D!
Look at those skills!

Soccer star!

Water break!

Cousins, hanging out.
Being a soccer star is exhausting!

My child hates sleep.

That is all.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Elizabeth is 3 months old!!

How quickly time flies!! I can't believe Elizabeth is already 3 months old! She has learned so much! She can grasp her toys now and adores playing on her play mat. It is amazing watching her learn new skills. She is so ready to sit up on her own and starting to scoot herself on her back.

She is ready to be on the move so she can catch up to her big cousins!

She is growing like a little weed as well, she weighed in at 11 lbs. 8 oz. this month, she has been putting on about a pound a month.

Here are some new Elizabeth pictures from the past month!

Napping with Mommy

Sweet little baby

Sleeping baby

With Daddy and cousins Lily and Madeline

Silly big cousin Lily

My three month chair pics:

I love my toes